Gold: $1,000- $4,999
AT&T Employees & Foundation- Atmos Energy Employees- Bank of America Employees- BBVA Compass Employees- Belk Employees- Bell Helicopter Textron- C.D. Hartnett- City of Hudson Oaks Employees- City of Weatherford Employees- Dr. Pepper Snapple Employees- EFH/Luminant- Enterprise 99- Freese & Nichols, Inc- George, First Financial Bank Employees, Morgan & Sneed- ITW National- John & Karen Hintont- Joy & Chip Hudson- Jerry's GM- Joe Lane, Fish Creek- Mader-Bagley State Farm- Angie & Kirk Martin- Amy Mercer- Nationwide Insurance- Oncore Electric- Parker County Hospital District- Gerald Scripps- Britton Schweitzer- Gary & Linda Snow- Martin Talley- Target Employees- Texas Bank Financial- Union Pacific Corpotation- Wal-Mart Employees- Weatherford College Employees- Wells Fargo Employees
Media Sponsors
The Community News
Tribe Photography
Parker County Today
Silver: $500-$999
-Ben E. Keith- Dillard Feed & Seed- Craig Farmer- Wayne Garrett- Jay Gibbs- Sharon Hays- HCA-
Hospice Plus- Jamak Employees- J D Crown Operating- Lindsey Kennimer- Patrick Lawler- Stephen Malley- Peter Morgan- Gena Opella- Oneok - Parker County TX Employees- Principal Financial Servies- Providence Title Company- ReNew Home Health- SuperValue- TD Industries- UPPR- Vickie Voss- Weatherford Chamber of Commerce- Weatherford Regional Medical Center
Bronze: $250-$499
-Shelby Bartels-Charles Butler- Community National Bank- ConAgra- Fire Oak Grill- John Forrest- Ft. Worth Community Credit Union- Ft. Worth Transportation Services- FracTech- Tammy Gazzola- Bob Glenn- Marybelle Gomez- Hartness Print Central- Tanya Hodges- John Good- Paula Beth Higgins- Kent Hudson- JCPenney- Lowe's- Bea Martin- Howard McClurkin- Gaylyn Mendoza- Casey Mitchell- Kathy Mosby- Tom Moncreif- Malinda Nowell- Paul Paschall- The Pizza Place- Jerry Smith- Stewart, Brooks & Bates- Roy D. Stone- Ben & Susan Sodek- Vicki Traweek- Western Heritage Furniture- Kathy Williams