The 2023-2024 funding cycle for local 501(c)3 organizations may apply January 1, - February 10, 2023
Funding Level: The level of funding available for Venture Grants shall be determined annually by the Board of Directors of the United Way of Parker County. Requests for funding may not exceed $5,000 for annual venture grant requests.
Eligibility Requirements:
All organizations applying for Venture Grant funds must meet the following minimum requirements:
Operate as nonprofit charitable, educational, civic, scientific, social welfare, religious, hospital, health care or health service organization, or as a governmental or quasi-governmental unit.
Operate under written Articles of Incorporations and By-laws or other written documents or statutes that define the applicant’s purposes, membership, management and operation.
Operate on a non-discriminatory basis in employment, recruitment of volunteers and delivery of services.
Demonstrate effective program performance and financial responsibility and accountability.
Operate or provide service within Parker County.
Grants must provide funding for services or activities that align with the United Way of Parker County priority issues.
Operating Guidelines: The following basic operating guidelines shall apply:
Funds shall be used solely for the granted purpose.
Funded activities shall commence in a timely manner and expenditures shall cease within one year after receipt of the grant unless an extension is granted by the Board of Directors of the United Way of Parker County. Grant funds not expended shall be returned to United Way.
All Venture Grants shall be approved by the Board of Directors of the United Way of Parker County. The amount of any grant will depend upon individual program requests and the need as determined by the Board of Directors of the United Way of Parker County.
No Venture Grant will be given for any purpose that would jeopardize the tax-exempt status of the United Way of Parker County or the applicant organization.
Grant recipients shall conspicuously acknowledge United Way of Parker County in all promotional materials, activities and programs funded with United Way monies.
Grant recipients shall submit a project performance report and financial statement indicating actual use and the results of venture grant funds. If grant is used for a program quarterly reports are required. If grant is used for a project, report and financial statement must be submitted within 30 days of completion.
Application and Funding Procedure: The following general procedure shall apply.
Organizations must submit applications for funding to the United Way office beginning January 1, 2023
The Allocations Committee will make a preliminary review of each request and determine if a formal hearing and/or onsite visit with applicant organization is needed. Funding requests may be denied without a hearing or onsite visit.
The Allocation Committee will submit a recommendation for funding recipients and amounts to the Board of Directors of the United Way of Parker County at the next regular meeting. Organizations will receive written notification of the Board’s decision immediately following this meeting.
Admission Requirements:
Please include (1) hard copy and (1) digital copy of the completed application and following required documents:
On a maximum of two additional pages, describe the proposed project using the following format. Please number each section.
Describe the proposal and how it meets the purpose of the Venture Grant Policy.
Expected results of the project.
What is the documented need for the proposal?
Specific objectives timetable and details.
Specifically, how will the United Way of Parker County funds be used?
If the project is to continue after the grant period, how will it be funded?
Budget (form included in application)
Current roster of officers and member of its board of directors or governing body
(Note: Organizations that are currently member agencies of United Way of Parker County do not need to resubmit the following materials.)
Names and address of the applicant’s officers and member of its board of directors or governing body.
Statute, regulation or the applicant’s Internal Revenue Service letter which establishes that the applicant is exempt from Federal income taxes, is not a private foundation and that donors may deduct contributions to the applicant as provided in Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.